8700 Solar Power Generators take National Park Visitors Center to Zero Net Energy (ZNE)

Pictures and video here of the 2x 8700 Solar Power Generators now installed and commissioned outside the Visitors Center at Bryce Canyon National Park in Bryce Canyon, Utah.  With 1.75 million visitors to this park each year, these solar arrays have a strong chance of being the most FAMOUS solar power system in the world!  If you get a chance to visit this beautiful park, please do take a walk around the nature trail which circles the systems and check out the interactive display in the lobby.  If you can’t make it to Utah, then check out this virtual tour by NPS Park Ranger Kevin Poe below!

Bryce Canyon 8700 Systems generating in November, 2015


End of the day for the 8700 Systems on a November, 2015 day


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